Tokyo Gig Guide presents Farm Party 14
On Friday October 24th head over to Ruby Room in Shibuya for the 14th installment of Farm Party presented by Tokyo Gig Guide. We have special guests Meah! from Chicago, plus Jebiotto who played Farm Party 7 many moons ago. Joining them will be comorevi-ButtEr fLy and Barry Zogon Band, as well as Farm Party favourite, DJ Timebred.
October 24 (Friday) 18:30 open.
@ Ruby Room, Shibuya
Entry: 1000 yen (+ drink)
Tokyo Gig Guide page
Facebook page
Live: Meah! (from USA), Jebiotto, comorevi-ButtEr fLy, Barry Zogon Band
DJ Timebred, more
MEAH!は、Patrick Rios (G/Vo.) とGeoffrey Carr (Dr/Vo.) を中心に、アメリカ・イリノイ州シカゴにて2006年 結成。過去にアルバム6作品をリリース。7作目となる最新作は現在ミックス中である。PatrickもGeoffreyもソロプロジェクトを展開、また、他バンドへの参加も並行し、精力的な音楽活動をつづけている。今回の来日はベーシストを含めた3ピースでの表現を予定。耳と目を一瞬たりとも飽きさせないライブに定評がある。
Chicago‘s MEAH! creates abstract future music.
Chicago’s MEAH! creates avant pop anthems.
Chicago‘s MEAH! creates slacker country ballads.
MEAH! is Patrick Rios (guitar, vocals) and Geoffrey Carr (drums, vocals), sometimes two piece, sometimes three, others as many as six or seven or more. They have been chugging away for long damn time (since 2006), sending out all kinds of gushy weird hearted vibes from their own little corner of the earth. Abstract yet familiar, layered yet grounded, groovy and angular, oh, and a bloody, sweaty, break-everything, freak-the-fuck out and dance your brain off live show, MEAH! is a thing you should think about letting into your life and not letting go of.
2014年6月中旬2nd Album "LOVE SONG DUET" をCALL AND RESPOSE RECORDSから発売予定。
シンセヴォーカルのMadca、シーケンス無しでエレクトロパッドと生ドラムを駆使してビートを叩き出すMoririn、ギターながら個性的なエフェクトボードを経由してベースを刻むTuttiによる噂の3人組!新生ニューウェーブライオットパンク!ポップに反逆!現在の音楽シーンには存在しない正統なニューウェーブサウンドを受け継ぎBON JOVIのダイナミックスにDAN DEACON, Blonde Redhead, Bikini Kill等の異端児のDNAを試験管にぶち込み現代にミュータントとして生まれた新世代を担うべき最高の反逆者達。
Jebiotto are a Tokyo-based synth-punk band based around Madca (synth/vocals), Tutti (Guitar) and Moririn (drums/electro pads). With roots in the Koenji underground scene of clubs like 20000V and the UFO Club, their music mixes pop melodies and dance beats, delivering them with the energy and electricity of a punk band.
Love Song Duet is the group's second mini-album, and on it Jebiotto's Jekyll-and-Hyde personality is on full display. They write pop songs that reach for epic stadium rock status, but at the same time they subvert and undermine them with an anarchic punk sensibility, like Bon Jovi wrapped in tinfoil, falling down some stairs, or TM Network in a washing machine with some rocks.
In Summer 2014 Jebiotto visited the USA for a tour of New York and the East Coast.
comorevi-ButtEr fLy

comorevi-ButtEr fLyは、Tomoko Sawadaの箱庭ひとりバンドとして1999年に活動開始。読み方は、木洩陽バターフライ、バターとハエである。国内とUSでフットワークの軽いライブを行う中、2004年、アメリカ・イリノイ州シカゴに移住。ドラムとベース、ギター2本というバンドサウンドでの表現を重視してのライブ活動を行う。2010年、日本へ本帰国。Paul Medranoとの2ピースでの活動を開始。
comorevi-ButtEr fLy plays a little progressive, a bit noisy and kind of pretty. From Japan to North America and back. Based in Tokyo, previously Chicago.
Tomoko plays idiot guitar and sings. Sometimes comorevi-ButtEr fLy is her solo, such as when she opened for the Breeders along with Melt Banana in Tokyo. Using drum machine and de-arranged video game sequences, she has released many handmade compact discs, and self produced a full length and E.P for streaming and download. She likes a chorus on her voice.
Paul plays drums and sings. He prerecords bass, guitar, and synthesizer and processes sound using handmade foot switches and controllers, then drums atop. He has released many handmade cassettes. He performs solo under the name I Steal, and likes a delay on his voice.
Together they merge to form blissful noises. Played with The Ex, Ruins Alone (Yoshida Tatsuya), The Breeders (Kim Deal), Young Sexy Assassins (Neptune), Cruciforms (Sterling), Tim Kinsella (Promise Ring), Tigris Flowers (Tabata Mitsuru).
“comorevi-ButtEr fLy takes a more avant-garde approach, incorporating disparate-sounding noises, instruments, and melodies into songs that sound surprisingly cohesive." - The Onion
Barry Zogon Band

Re-interpreting the undervalued masterpieces of Mr. Barry Zogon since 2014.
Grant, Craig & Tatsumi from Abikyokan.
Oct 13 @ Tiny7, Nagoya
w/ emulsion, comorevi-ButtEr fLy, さよならメランコリーシンドローム, THE DEATH GAL 4, めしふろねる
Oct 14 @ Metro, Kyoto [HOTDOG vol.37]
w/ Boogie the マッハモータース, HANME(GAZER), other DJ&VJ etc...
Oct 18 @ Super Deluxe, Tokyo
With Happy Family, comorevi-ButtEr fLy, emulsion with Tamaki, シンガポールケイン, 展示: moclen. (Paper Art)
Oct 21 @ Hisomine, Omiya
w/ emulsion, comorevi-ButtEr fLy, the cut tummy, ノウルシ
Oct 24 @ Ruby Room, Shibuya
October 24 (Friday) 18:30 open.
@ Ruby Room, Shibuya
Entry: 1000 yen (+ drink)
Tokyo Gig Guide page
Facebook page
Live: Meah! (from USA), Jebiotto, comorevi-ButtEr fLy, Barry Zogon Band
DJ Timebred, more
MEAH!は、Patrick Rios (G/Vo.) とGeoffrey Carr (Dr/Vo.) を中心に、アメリカ・イリノイ州シカゴにて2006年 結成。過去にアルバム6作品をリリース。7作目となる最新作は現在ミックス中である。PatrickもGeoffreyもソロプロジェクトを展開、また、他バンドへの参加も並行し、精力的な音楽活動をつづけている。今回の来日はベーシストを含めた3ピースでの表現を予定。耳と目を一瞬たりとも飽きさせないライブに定評がある。
Chicago‘s MEAH! creates abstract future music.
Chicago’s MEAH! creates avant pop anthems.
Chicago‘s MEAH! creates slacker country ballads.
MEAH! is Patrick Rios (guitar, vocals) and Geoffrey Carr (drums, vocals), sometimes two piece, sometimes three, others as many as six or seven or more. They have been chugging away for long damn time (since 2006), sending out all kinds of gushy weird hearted vibes from their own little corner of the earth. Abstract yet familiar, layered yet grounded, groovy and angular, oh, and a bloody, sweaty, break-everything, freak-the-fuck out and dance your brain off live show, MEAH! is a thing you should think about letting into your life and not letting go of.

2014年6月中旬2nd Album "LOVE SONG DUET" をCALL AND RESPOSE RECORDSから発売予定。
シンセヴォーカルのMadca、シーケンス無しでエレクトロパッドと生ドラムを駆使してビートを叩き出すMoririn、ギターながら個性的なエフェクトボードを経由してベースを刻むTuttiによる噂の3人組!新生ニューウェーブライオットパンク!ポップに反逆!現在の音楽シーンには存在しない正統なニューウェーブサウンドを受け継ぎBON JOVIのダイナミックスにDAN DEACON, Blonde Redhead, Bikini Kill等の異端児のDNAを試験管にぶち込み現代にミュータントとして生まれた新世代を担うべき最高の反逆者達。
Jebiotto are a Tokyo-based synth-punk band based around Madca (synth/vocals), Tutti (Guitar) and Moririn (drums/electro pads). With roots in the Koenji underground scene of clubs like 20000V and the UFO Club, their music mixes pop melodies and dance beats, delivering them with the energy and electricity of a punk band.
Love Song Duet is the group's second mini-album, and on it Jebiotto's Jekyll-and-Hyde personality is on full display. They write pop songs that reach for epic stadium rock status, but at the same time they subvert and undermine them with an anarchic punk sensibility, like Bon Jovi wrapped in tinfoil, falling down some stairs, or TM Network in a washing machine with some rocks.
In Summer 2014 Jebiotto visited the USA for a tour of New York and the East Coast.
comorevi-ButtEr fLy

comorevi-ButtEr fLyは、Tomoko Sawadaの箱庭ひとりバンドとして1999年に活動開始。読み方は、木洩陽バターフライ、バターとハエである。国内とUSでフットワークの軽いライブを行う中、2004年、アメリカ・イリノイ州シカゴに移住。ドラムとベース、ギター2本というバンドサウンドでの表現を重視してのライブ活動を行う。2010年、日本へ本帰国。Paul Medranoとの2ピースでの活動を開始。
comorevi-ButtEr fLy plays a little progressive, a bit noisy and kind of pretty. From Japan to North America and back. Based in Tokyo, previously Chicago.
Tomoko plays idiot guitar and sings. Sometimes comorevi-ButtEr fLy is her solo, such as when she opened for the Breeders along with Melt Banana in Tokyo. Using drum machine and de-arranged video game sequences, she has released many handmade compact discs, and self produced a full length and E.P for streaming and download. She likes a chorus on her voice.
Paul plays drums and sings. He prerecords bass, guitar, and synthesizer and processes sound using handmade foot switches and controllers, then drums atop. He has released many handmade cassettes. He performs solo under the name I Steal, and likes a delay on his voice.
Together they merge to form blissful noises. Played with The Ex, Ruins Alone (Yoshida Tatsuya), The Breeders (Kim Deal), Young Sexy Assassins (Neptune), Cruciforms (Sterling), Tim Kinsella (Promise Ring), Tigris Flowers (Tabata Mitsuru).
“comorevi-ButtEr fLy takes a more avant-garde approach, incorporating disparate-sounding noises, instruments, and melodies into songs that sound surprisingly cohesive." - The Onion
Barry Zogon Band

Re-interpreting the undervalued masterpieces of Mr. Barry Zogon since 2014.
Grant, Craig & Tatsumi from Abikyokan.
Oct 13 @ Tiny7, Nagoya
w/ emulsion, comorevi-ButtEr fLy, さよならメランコリーシンドローム, THE DEATH GAL 4, めしふろねる
Oct 14 @ Metro, Kyoto [HOTDOG vol.37]
w/ Boogie the マッハモータース, HANME(GAZER), other DJ&VJ etc...
Oct 18 @ Super Deluxe, Tokyo
With Happy Family, comorevi-ButtEr fLy, emulsion with Tamaki, シンガポールケイン, 展示: moclen. (Paper Art)
Oct 21 @ Hisomine, Omiya
w/ emulsion, comorevi-ButtEr fLy, the cut tummy, ノウルシ
Oct 24 @ Ruby Room, Shibuya
Tokyo Gig Guide presents FARM PARTY 14
Labels: 2014, barry zogon band, comorevi-butter fly, farm party, gig, jebiotto, live, meah, ruby room, shibuya, timebred, tokyo gig guide
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